First - St. Paul Lutheran Parish
In 2015, St. Paul Lutheran in Garnavillo was preparing to call a new pastor. They had a suitible candidate, but like many rural churches, they could not support a full time pastor. They reached out to First Lutheran of McGregor and the congregations agreed to share the pastor's ministry.
Worship with us the Sunday - 10:30 a. m.
First Lutheran Church
First Lutheran sits on a hill south of McGregor, Iowa on the Great River Road. They have been serving our Lord for over a century in the McGregor area. They are a vibrant congregation that sees the challenges of rural ministry as an opportunity. Its members are fed regularly on the Word and Sacraments.
come see us at 31743 175th st., Mcgregor, iA
St. paul lutheran church
St. Paul Lutheran Church has proclaimed the Gospel in Garnavillo, Iowa since 1853. St. Paul continues to provide the ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Garnavillo area as it continues to discover new ways to serve our Lord.
Come see us at 104 S. Adams St., Garnavillo, IA
Worship with us this Sunday - 8:30 a.m.
Living in Christ
“The great adversary of truth, which today brings people to perdition, is delusion. Because of delusion, dark ignorance reigns in the souls of those who are idle, alienating them from God.
They don’t acknowledge Christ as God, Who enlightened us and brought about our rebirth, or they believe in Him and acknowledge Him only in words and not in actual fact. They believe that God revealed Himself to people only in days of old, but not any longer.
They think that the testimonies in the Scriptures regarding God don’t concern them, but others or those who wrote them and they blaspheme the teachings concerning God, since they renounce true and conscious reverence.” - Saint Maximos the Confessor