I discussed in my most recent video that I am reassessing how these daily writings and videos will function in the future.
I have been fully vaccinated and am confident that I pose a minimal risk to anyone I see or to myself. This means that I will return to the pastoral activities that the pandemic has set aside.
Of course, more regular pastoral activities will mean less time to produce the daily devotions and videos. I have given more thought to how to best adjust this ministry.
My best thinking in the future is this: I will continue to write the daily devotions and publish them each morning. The Scriptures I use are part of my regular devotions, and it is my habit to write about the texts. Thus, it isn't any additional work for me to continue the written devotions.
The video devotions take more time and work. There is planning the topic, researching the topic so I know what I am talking about, shooting the video (often multiple takes), and then editing the video.
I do not wish to stop the videos completely, as folk find them useful. My plan for the future video work will be daily videos through Easter Monday. After Easter, I will produce videos on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I want to use the videos through Easter as there is much benefit to be gained from daily offerings. I have usually taken a few days off after Easter, so I will restart the videos on Monday, April 12.
I pray that this will be acceptable and useful for you. I thank God that He has provided the technology that has helped pastors staying in touch with their parishes.